Banana-PB-Oat Smoothie

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Smoothies are one of those things that are easy and quick to make; perfect for a pack-and-go breakfast during the week, except that I usually don’t even allow that small amount of time to make one before work on the weekday mornings. I do really love a good smoothie for breakfast though, especially in the warmer months, so usually they just end up being my weekend treat – or sometimes, if I’m on top of my game in the morning, a Friday morning treat. This smoothie is my go-to favorite – easy, yummy, and packed with enough protein to keep me full and fueled with energy until lunch. All I did was throw a banana (frozen bananas work great), some almond milk, a spoonful or so of greek yogurt, a heaping (because I love it) spoonful of peanut butter, and about a quarter cup of dry oats into the blender, then blend until smooth. Delicious!

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