Football Season! (Tailgating Snacks)

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It doesn’t go unnoticed to those close to us that James and I are huge Virginia Tech Hokie fans. We’re both Hokies ourselves, though we didn’t know each other while we were in school there (even though we spent two years on the campus at the same time and are almost certain we brushed into each other at least once). We consider ourselves diehard Hokies representing all that is VT no matter what time of year it is, but during the fall it’s as if nothing else really matters quite as much as Hokie football (regardless of how great or heartbreaking of a season we may be having). We also of course love to cook, so we get REALLY excited to combine those two things when we have the chance. We made these tasty tailgating snacks shown above for the season opening game that we watched at our friends/neighbors’ house (also Hokies). All of the recipes for these came out of the “Taste of Virginia Tech” cookbook – an excellent/nostalgic/much-used gift given to us that contains recipes from various on and off campus food establishments and some VT tailgaters’ favorites. And then there’s the bourbon because well, we love ourselves some bourbon, especially at this time of year.

So anyways….. what we made! We made some garlic breaded chicken bites (with panko bread crumbs and fresh chopped garlic, baked in the oven), some Parmesan spinach artichoke dip that we baked as well, and then some pigs wrapped in cheesy jalepeno blankets. These little piggies may have been my favorite with the fresh diced jalepeno and shredded cheddar combo (and rolling them in halved crescent rolls makes them SO much easier). I also made a homemade tangy mustard sauce for dipping at the last minute which proved to be quite the perfect companion to both the pigs & chicken.

Our friends made some other delicious tailgating dishes (they have the same cookbook!) like a very festive macaroni salad incorporating pickle juice (YUM) and pulled pork shoulder that they smoked all day before kickoff (who said adult tailgating isn’t as fun and DELICIOUS). Look out for the next post to see what we made with some of the leftover pork we went home with (hint: it’s a morning meal). And you’re also sure to find more of our game day recipe favorites as this fall (Hokie) season rolls on, so stay tuned! And of course, GO HOKIES!

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