
We’re just a couple of people who love to cook. We’re not trained chefs, we don’t claim to know everything about every type of cooking, we just love to make things in the kitchen together.

We love finding new recipes and finding the ingredients needed for those recipes. We often find ourselves creating new recipes just by using what we have on hand in our fridge and pantry. We get excited when we read about a cooking technique or ingredient that is totally foreign to us. Most of the time, our time spent in the kitchen together is more about just that – our time spent together; chopping, mixing, garlic peeling, kneading… usually leading to delicious meals in the end, and sometimes not. But every success or mediocre success is fun, and brings us closer together in the process. We savor those moments together like we savor our culinary creations.

We’re delighted to share our culinary stories with you and hope you leave inspired to find the creation you love to tell the story of yourself.

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