Tag Archives: refreshing

Melon Mint Sangria

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We ate a lot of watermelon this summer…. like, a LOT. To the point that I could almost say we got tired of it… but I won’t dare. So after snacking on the delicious watery melon for days and days, melon after melon, we decided to get a little more creative. In addition to James’ famous watermelon milkshakes we decided to make a more adult friendly refreshing cocktail type bevvie. Sangria is one of the easiest alcoholic concoctions you can make… basically just pouring of liquids and chopped fruit into a single pitcher. Well, if you don’t know, watermelon ends up getting a bit gritty and foamy after a bit if you just let it sit in said pitcher, so in order to capture its flavor without the watermelon mustache we decided to juice it. And since watermelon is as watery of a fruit as they come, a little goes a long ways AND it doubles as the liquid addition to the wine. So we juiced the watermelon, added it with some vino verde (this adds the bubbly effect to the sangria without having to use a sugary soda), threw in just a few cubes of watermelon and honeydew, and some lemon mint leaves. Oh my, this certainly turned out to be quite the refreshing summer treat. It tops my list as far as sangrias go (though the milkshakes are still a fave).